We are privileged to partner with several different missionaries serving in 17 countries.
Our annual Mission Conference held each spring is a much anticipated event at Berea.
We love each of our missionaries and look forward to regular updates sent to us by letter and e-mail.
We are especially happy when they are able to visit us!
Baptist World Mission Staff
Decatur, Alabama
Mark and Paula Batory
Greenville, SC - Director, Gospel Fellowship Association
Kevin and Mary Brunner
Philippines - Baptist World Mission
Roberto and Patrica Coelho
Brazil - Baptist World Mission
David Gibbs
USA - Christian Law Association
Brent and Karolyn Halstead
Kenya - Baptist World Mission
Darren & Elizabeth Hammermeister
Canada - Baptist World Mission
Ed and Carole Hembree
European Director - Baptist International Missions Inc.
Donald and Susan Holmes
Mexico - Baptist World Mission
Mark and Lynnette Hynek
Costa Rica - Gospel Fellowship Association
Phil and Yvonne Keeter
Georgia State Prison - Rock of Ages Ministries
Forrest and Jennifer McPhail
Cambodia - Gospel Fellowship Association
Peoria Rescue Ministries
Jonathan Rocke, Executive Director
Peoria, Illinois
Aaron and Jenny Peterson
Germany - Baptist World Mission
Tim and Cynthia Peterson
Germany - Baptist World Mission
John and Joyce Raehl
Brazil - Baptist International Missions Inc.
Clint and Rhonda Rardin
Mexico - Fairhaven Baptist Mission
David and Gina Schrock
Belarus - Fundamental Baptist World Wide Mission
Josep and Sara Segurado
Spain - Baptist World Mission
Stan and Jane Stringer
Arizona - Tohono O'dham Indians - Faith Baptist Mission

Gary and Yvonne Trometer
Brazil - Baptist World Mission
Mike and Susan Weiss
Indiana - Shepherd's Bethel Baptist Mission