Berea Baptist Church
Saturday, February 15, 2025
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About Us

 Our pastor, Bill Pierce, understands the pressures of  living in our rapidly changing society.  He and his wife of more than 45 years, Shirley, have four children and nine grandchildren. 
Pastor Bill is a native of the Peoria area.  He has earned bachelor and master degrees in Bible and has more than 35 years of pastoral experience, all providentially combining to enable him to faithfully and wisely shepherd the Lord's flock at Berea. 
He has also ministered in Georgia, South Carolina, and Nebraska before coming to Berea in October of 1998.

Our Church is a Bible believing and a Bible teaching church.   
The Bible is God's never changing, timeless truth that provides His
guidance for life and gives us hope for handling the difficulties of life
we face day to day.  The Bible also gives us the assurance of a bright future
for ourselves and our loved ones, both now and forever.
Without God's Word, truth is unsustainable; and we, therefore, would
have no sustaining hope.  But with the guidance of God's Word, we have His
perfect and personal plan for each of us to have purpose and contentment in life.
"Thy Word is truth." John 17:17
We invite you to experience the life changing quality of God's Word as it is taught
and lived out by our Pastor and people.  This truly is our blessed hope.
Our Prayer is the same as our Heavenly Father's, that none "should perish but
that all should come to repentance" 2 Peter 3:9.  Jesus said, "That which is
born of the flesh is flesh (physical birth), and that which is born of the Spirit
is Spirit (spiritual birth), marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again"
John 3:7.  Being born again is as easy as A, B, C.
A.  Acknowledge your sin and repent.  Luke 24:47
B.  Believe in Jesus Christ alone as your Savior and Lord.  Acts 16:31
C.  Confess your sins to God and forsake them.  Romans 10:9-10